The Future of Collective Disputes in the Context of the Right to Undertake Collective Action


Karol Sołtys’s aim in this article is to identify future threats in the area of collective disputes. He examines in detail three issues: the monopoly that trade unions have on organising strikes against the background of the low level of workers’ membership in trade unions; the employer’s passivity towards the possibility of the simultaneous organisation of numerous strikes in the workplace; the right to lockout. In view of the threats discussed in the article, it is necessary to open a debate in Polish labour law over the adoption of exceptions to the said trade unions’ monopoly on organising strikes. The debate should consider the possibility of a liberalisation of regulations concerning the representation of employees. In the context of employer protection, special attention should be paid to the right to retaliatory lockout.


collective labour law; collective disputes; right to strike; right to lockout; trade unions

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Published : 2022-03-31

SołtysK. (2022). The Future of Collective Disputes in the Context of the Right to Undertake Collective Action. Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy I Polityki Socjalnej, 20(3), 1-21.

Karol Michał Sołtys
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II  Poland

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