Sources of financing of the activity of trade unions

Helena Szewczyk


The Trade Unions Act does not name all the sources of internal and external financing of trade unions. The sources include membership fees, donations from third parties or income from business activities conducted by the association. It is hard not to notice, de lege lata, problems related to the rights of trade unions and their future role in the area of ​​labor relations under the current provisions of the Trade Unions Act concerning the functioning of trade unions, e.g., regarding the financing of their activities. Undoubtedly, the current model of financing employee representation is far from perfect. Due to cases of abuse of Art. 24 of the Trade Unions Act, one should in particular call for a change in the current model in which trade unions
independently use their own legal personality when conducting business operations.


employment; discrimination; grounds of discrimination; protection of employees; employer’s liability for damages

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Published : 2023-11-21

SzewczykH. (2023). Sources of financing of the activity of trade unions. Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy I Polityki Socjalnej, 22(5), 1-25.

Helena Szewczyk 
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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