A social dialogue in the civil service

Jakub Szmit


The civil service corps consists of people employed in clerical positions in the government administration offices. Therefore, it is a professional group that remains in a very close relationship with the state, which, pursuant to art. 20 of the constitution should implement, among others, solidarity, dialogue and cooperation of social partners. This article analyses the extent to which this task is carried out in relation to the civil service, that is, at the level where the role of the state is not limited to being a legislator alone, but it also acts as an actual employer.


social dialog; civil service; public administration; trade unions; collective bargaining

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Published : 2024-04-03

SzmitJ. (2024). A social dialogue in the civil service. Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy I Polityki Socjalnej, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.31261/zpppips.2024.22.04

Jakub Szmit  jakub.szmit@ug.edu.pl
University of Gdansk  Poland

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