Translation of poetry in tandem. Comments on the translation of Wacław Rolicz-Lieder‘s poems into German

Robert Rduch


The author presents translations of Wacław Rolicz-Lieder’s poems into German as an example of translating poetry in tandem. With the aid of archival materials, he proves that Rolicz-Lieder is a co-author of translations previously attributed solely to George.


Wacław Rolicz-Lieder; Stefan George; poetry translation; German-Polish literary contacts

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Źródła archiwalne

Stefan George Archiv (Württembergische Landesbibliothek) Stuttgart: [tłumaczenia pomocnicze Wacława Rolicza-Liedera] George. I 1501; III 0307a.

Published : 2017-12-28

RduchR. (2017). Translation of poetry in tandem. Comments on the translation of Wacław Rolicz-Lieder‘s poems into German. Wortfolge. Szyk Słów, (2), 55-70.

Robert Rduch 
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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