Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused various disruptions in the production chains of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). Among other disruptions there is a drop of product sales, often due to lock-down measures, which resulted in last-minute order cancellations, non-payment of the already purchased resources and already made products, and hence terminations of employment contracts. International organisations and nongovernmental organisations have called upon MNEs to take their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and honour the contracts. The aim of this article is to analyse to what extend this moral appeal is also a (quasi-)legal appeal following from international norms on CSR. After an assessment of the main labour law problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, an analysis follows on each of the identified problems. The conclusion of the analysis is that MNEs indeed are not only morally obliged to take their responsibility, but also based on the (quasi-)legal international CSR norms.


CSR; COVID-19; UN Guiding Principles; global production chains; MNEs; ILO; Responsible Business Conduct; RBC

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Published : 2020-11-27

ter HaarB. P. (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy I Polityki Socjalnej, 19(2), 1-36.

Beryl Philine ter Haar 
Leiden University  Netherlands

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