Labour market transitions – current problems and proposed solutions

Maciej Ekert


The article aims to address the issue whether the Polish legislation on employment promotion and labour market institutions requires a reform. Economic processes, which can be observed worldwide and which will substantially impact the labour market, including the one in Poland, are currently underway. The paper also aims to introduce the readers to the concept of A Just Transition. The article compares foreign approaches to Polish legal regulations with respect to conducting active labour policies, promoting employment and safeguarding employees exposed to negative effects of transition. The article argues that Poland is not ready for the present changes arising from climate, digital, or demographic transformation. The findings should facilitate the development of suitable labour market policies in this area.


labour law; labour market; labour market policy; climate transformation; digital transformation; ageing process

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Published : 2024-09-06

EkertM. (2024). Labour market transitions – current problems and proposed solutions. Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy I Polityki Socjalnej, 22(5), 1-27.

Maciej Ekert
University of Gdansk  Poland

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