Opublikowane: 2023-12-29

Prawo oskarżonego do bycia sądzonym przez właściwy, niezależny i bezstronny sąd. Historia redakcji art. 14 ust. 1 Międzynarodowego paktu praw obywatelskich i politycznych oraz sposób jego wdrażania

Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi Logo ORCID


The right to a fair trial is made-up of many (sub) rights and one of these is the right to be tried by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal. According to the Human Rights Committee, this is an absolute right. This right is protected in international and regional human rights instruments. It is also provided for in the constitutions and/or pieces of legislation of most countries whether or not they have ratified, acceded to or signed the ICCPR. In this paper, the author studied the constitutions of over 190 countries to demonstrate how they have dealt with this right. These countries include those that have ratified the ICCPR (the majority), signed but not yet acceded to the ICCPR and those that have not yet signed the ICCPR. The study shows that in countries which have ratified/acceded to the ICCPR, six different approaches have been taken to give effect to this right. These approaches range from countries where the constitutions provide for this right in full (mentioning the three elements) to those where this right is not mentioned at all. It is argued that irrespective of which of the six approaches is followed, states which have ratified the ICCPR have an obligation to give effect to this right in full.  Relying on the criteria set by the International Law Commission, the author argues that the right to be tried by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal/court has attained the status of jus cogens (peremptory norm) in international law. The author also briefly illustrates how the issue of judicial independence is dealt with in the constitutions of different countries.

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Mujuzi, J. D. (2023). Prawo oskarżonego do bycia sądzonym przez właściwy, niezależny i bezstronny sąd. Historia redakcji art. 14 ust. 1 Międzynarodowego paktu praw obywatelskich i politycznych oraz sposób jego wdrażania. Problemy Prawa Karnego, 7(2), 1–40. https://doi.org/10.31261/PPK.2023.07.02.03

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Tom 7 Nr 2 (2023)
Opublikowane: 2024-07-09

ISSN: 0208-5577
eISSN: 2353-9712
Ikona DOI 10.31261/PPK

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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