The article deals with the problem of the stylistic of the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov The
Master and Margarita. Literary style of the novel is often referred to satire, parody and grotesque.
Nonetheless, Bulgakov’s novel can not be called a comic one, since its ideological
essence belongs to the category of tragedy, in which catharsis goes beyond the existential
situation of individual characters and transforms into the transcendental sphere. The style
of the novel takes on the triple model, which is subject to speech style of the characters and
The first stylistic group in the article is called high-style (statements of Woland, Yeshua
Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate), the second style of low (expressions represent by Moskov
dwellers) and the third — middle style (statements of Margarita and Woland’s retinue). The
latter category is the most sophisticated and includes all the other stylistic groups. It combines
both of the previous style as the Margarita, Koroviev and cat Behemoth act as intermediaries
between the two worlds (the higher world of the truth and the lower world of falsehood).
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Zasady cytowania
Nr 4 (2011)
Opublikowane: 2015-08-21