The article contains a discussion of the volume Od poetyki przestrzeni do geopoetyki, edited by Elżbieta Konończuk and Elżbieta Sidoruk. The publication is a result of the conference organised by the Department of Theory and Anthropology of Literature at the Institute of Polish Philology of University of Bialystok that took place in 2011 under the slogan of the space as the category of poetics. Interests in spacious problems and considerations on the meeting of the theory of literature and geography, geopoetics, geocriticism, as well as humanistic and cultural geography were divided into four interesting parts, containing nineteen theoretical-literary and interpretative texts, them each time being a full-dimensional case study of the category of space in the material under investigation. Accordingly, in the beginning, the reader is introduced into what is common for the literature and geography, next he / she gives his / her attention to the space and metaphor to get to know the studies concerning the space in prose and poetical creations of the space later on. The very monograph, though, is not a theoretical outline of categories connected with geopoetics. Instead, it becomes the examination of methods and practices deriving from the latter one.
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Zasady cytowania
Tom 3 Nr 1 (2013)
Opublikowane: 2013-06-28