The text is a discussion of two publications: Max Herrmann-Neiße: Czas pośredni. 68 wierszy i 2 fragmenty prozy w 70. rocznicę śmierci (selection, translation and introduction by Beata Giblak and Wojciech Kunicki. Wrocław–Dresden: Neisse Verlag, 2012, 300 p.) and Auch in Neisse im Exil. Max Herrmann-Neiße. Leben, Werk und Wirkung (1886–1941) (published by Beata Giblak and Wojciech Kunicki. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2012, 541 p.). Max Herrmann-Neiße’s writing, though unknown for many years, has been translated into Polish and a has resulted in a monograph. The Upper-Silesian author, writing in German, as it turns out, is a universal word artist, an important figure in the German culture of the 1920s.
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Tom 3 Nr 1 (2013)
Opublikowane: 2013-06-28