In the review I discuss Paweł Mackiewicz’s book paying special attention to his methodological choices and their consequences. I argue that traditional philological methods are insufficient to present the innovative and experimental character of Sendecki’s poetry. Mackiewicz is rightly sceptical toward deconstructive interpretations but he does not transform ideas proposed by “deconstructive reviewers” and returns to interpretation rooted in representationalism. I argue that it is necessary to elaborate on such an interpretative method that would not petrify the poem and – at the same time – would capture something beside conclusions concerning the crisis of representation. I underline the value of relational reading where the level of representation equals the level of material dimension of the poem, thus subordinating interpretation to the regime of immanence. In this case, the “meaning” of a poem ceases to be more important than its “existence”, and both modes become dynamic as they reveal inevitable involvement of literature in social relations.
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Zasady cytowania
Tom 9 Nr 1 (2017)
Opublikowane: 2017-06-30