Work Performed by an Employee in Quarantine


Infectious diseases have accompanied man for centuries, and the procedure in case of their occurrence is regulated by the letter of the law. The introduction of the „lockdown” in Poland in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic introduced many changes in our lives for which we were not prepared. Due to the progressing epidemiological situation, the legislator introduced more and more restrictions, without any
transitional period (vacatio legis) for which we would have time to prepare. In addition to restrictions on moving, meeting, going to the theater or to the cinema, distance learning, remote work and the obligation to be quarantined by a person exposed to an infectious disease were introduced.
The above-mentioned changes in the scope of limiting interpersonal contacts were a challenge for the society, for employees who were obliged to perform work or people who ran their own business. In connection with the above, this article will present the legal regulations and the consequences of being quarantined by an employee. The subject of providing medical services by a doctor in the event of imposing a quarantine on him will also be discussed, as this issue is extremely important due to the growing need to contact a doctor and receive appropriate medical services.


home office; illness benefit; quarantine


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Published : 2021-07-21

TyskaM., & SmolińskiT. (2021). Work Performed by an Employee in Quarantine. Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy I Polityki Socjalnej, 19(2), 1-16.

Magdalena Tyska 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie  Poland
Tomasz Sławomir Smoliński 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie  Poland

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