SARS virus vaccine CoV-2. Ethicomoral issues


Society living in the modern world is witnessing constant changes that are taking place in the life space of individuals and societies in the global sense. These changes have both positive and negative effects on humanity. Within the last two years, the world has been hit by the SARS -CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, which has taken the lives of 2. 4 million people. In the face of the pandemic, the work has begun to develop a vaccine as an antidote to the crisis.

This article outlines the issues surrounding the vaccine, which was introduced to the general public at the end of 2020. Despite the enthusiasm that has been generated by the rapid development of the vaccine, there are still some  issues that point to the imperfection of the received product. The questions that arise are related to the side effects that an unstudied formulation may cause and the process of its creation itself. This article will also show the position of the Catholic Church on this issue.


abortion; ethics; pandemic; vaccine; Catholic Church

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Published : 2023-10-04

KubiakT. (2023). SARS virus vaccine CoV-2. Ethicomoral issues. Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne, 55(1), 71-88. Retrieved from

Tycjan Piotr Kubiak
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu  Poland

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