Two concepts of death: Ladislaus Boros and Francis of Assisi


The hypothesis of the final decision and the concept of sister death are part of the thanatology centered around hope. In his research, the role of the moment of death is emphasized by Ladislaus Boros. It is at the moment of death that a person reaches the fullness of his humanity through the possibility of making the first, fully free and conscious act. This ability arises from the closeness of Christ, with whom man comes face to face. This unique moment of intimacy with God enables him to decide to live with or without Christ. Francis of Assisi sees death as his sister. This positive image of death inscribes Francis’ sister into the current of medieval brotherhood. When man meets his death, he experiences transience in peace and hope. The sister who comes for him gradually leads him to the full transition to eternity, where Christ awaits man. Francis emphasizes the continuity of life whose sister death is the binder and link.


death; sister; hope; decision; L. Boros; Saint Francis

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Published : 2023-10-04

OgłozaS. (2023). Two concepts of death: Ladislaus Boros and Francis of Assisi. Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne, 55(1), 59-70. Retrieved from

Sylwan Marek Ogłoza
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Wydział Teologiczny  Poland

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