Trinitarian ontology: an invitation to rethink thought


The contribution is divided into three moments: the first addresses the decisive meaning of the challenge that interpellates us today as a call to “rethink thought” in the perspective of an onto-logy disclosed as trinitarian and trinitizing by the event of Jesus Christ, received and interpreted in a horizon and with an intentionality that are not exclusively denominational; the second responds to four critical questions aimed at establishing the pertinent implementation of such a performative interpretation of existence and its intelligence in our demanding times; and lastly, the third focuses on two acquisitions for a theological itinerary that has already, at least in part and fruitfully, been undertaken and yet still needs to be continued at the service of the journey of the People of God in history.


ontology; epistemology; theological method; Holy Trinity

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Published : 2023-10-04

CodaP. (2023). Trinitarian ontology: an invitation to rethink thought. Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne, 55(1), 7-24. Retrieved from

Piero Coda 

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