The following article concerns the Russian contemporary historical prose (after 1956), above all, the genre of a historical novel. The author presents an overview of the opinions made by the researchers working on the Russian literature, on directions and changes observed in it. Opinions by J. Bałakin, S. Czuprynin, A. Nezmer, M. Epsztejn, A. Oskocki and many others koncern the authors of such writers as W. Aksionow, W. Pjecuch, W. Pieliwein, D. Bykow or N. Ejdelman. The main part of the article was devoted to the genre specificity of Czas głuchej jesieni [Time of dumb autumn], a novel by Jurij Dawydow. As it turns out from the analysis conducted, Dawydows work inscribes into the main trend of The Russian literature after 1956, situated between the documentnovel and the biography-novel. What we find in the work are also the features of the so called novel about history and retrospective prose. As it seems, Czas głuchej jesieni realises the indicators of different types of a historic novel, which proves its transitional status it is located between a classic and contemporary version of this genre.
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Tom 20 (2008)
Opublikowane: 2020-07-15