Punktacja MEiN:


ISSN: 2719-2687 (Print) ISSN: 2451-3849 (Online) DOI: 10.31261/ZOOPHILOLOGICA

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Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies is the first and, hitherto, only aademic journal in Central and Eastern Europe devoted to the broadly construed cultural and social issues presented from the perspective of Human-Animal Studies. It has been published annually since 2015 in the Open Journal Systems (OJS) service. Beginning in 2021 the journal has changed to a half-yearly publishing cycle. Texts which have gone through the review and revision stages are published incrementally in the online first model, i.e., before the formal closing of an issue.

The journal offers academic, monographic, and overview articles alongside reviews, book notes and reports written by scholars who examine the relationship between humans and animals as part of their research activity in various academic disciplines, ranging from social and natural sciences to humanities. Special (thematic) issues are published as part of the journal’s agenda.

As of 2017, the journal is listed in Index Copernicus Journal Master List with the impact factor ICV 2022 = 91,12. Since 2017 it has been on the list of journals indexed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, with the current score of 40 points. Since 2021, the journal has been indexed in the ERIH+ and DOAJ databases, and since 2022 – in Scopus.

Between 2019-2020 the journal was included in the ministerial “Support for Scientific Journals” programme.

The journal is under the joint ownership of the University of Silesia in Katowice and the Alumni Association of the University of Silesia.


„Zoophilologica” 1/2026 – Call for Papers


Szanowni Państwo,

zapraszamy do nadsyłania tekstów zgodnych z profilem naszego czasopisma do numeru nr 1/2026. Numer ten nie będzie miał charakteru tematycznego, dlatego czekamy na różnorodne artykuły i recenzje poświęcone animal studies. Zgłoszenia można przesyłać do końca kwietnia 2025 roku.

Redakcja Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies

“Zoophilologica” 2/2026: “Zoofolkloristics”, eds. Mare Kõiva, Tõnno Jonuks and Sergey Troitskiy – Call for Papers


We cordially invite you to submit article proposals for the interdisciplinary thematic issue Zoofolkloristics  under the guest scientific editorship of Mare Kõiva, Tõnno Jonuks and Sergey Troitskiy. Deadline for submitting articles for the issue 2/2026: January 31, 2025.

Przedłużony termin nadsyłania artykułów do numeru 1/2025: „Zwierzęta w teorii i praktyce politycznej” pod red. Patryka Szaja i Dariusza Gzyry


Szanowni Państwo, 

uprzejmie informujemy, że termin nadsyłania tekstów do numeru 1/2025 pod redakcją gościnną Patryka Szaja i Dariusza Gzyry został przedłużony do 15 kwietnia 2024 roku. Numer ten będzie poświęcony tematowi Zwierzęta w teorii i praktyce politycznej. Informacje szczegółowe: Call for Papers.

  • BazHum
  • Biblioteka Narodowa (National Library of Poland)
  • CEJSH - The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • CEEOL - Central and Eastern European Online Library
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  • IC Journals Master List
  • ERIH+ - The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
  • NUKAT (Union Catalog of Polish Research Libraries)




91.12 - 2022 r.