Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross ) – a saint for our times


With reference to the centenary of Edith Stein’s baptism, celebrated in 2022, and 80 years after her death in the gas chamber, the article recalls the essential elements of the message of this Daughter of Israel and Daughter of the Carmel, the order in which she took the religious name Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. It first presents this holy martyr as a patron saint of the Christian-Jewish dialogue, then patron saint of Europe, proclaimed by St John Paul II, and eventually also as patron of women. A significant part of the article is an examination of the possibility of St Edith Stein to be the fifth woman and the third Discalced Carmelite to receive the title of Doctor of the Church, with an indication that she could be recognised as Doctor Crucis in this group. The study ends with a reflection about Edith Stein as a defender of truth. After all, she said it herself that all those who seek truth, seek God, and that the defence of truth becomes the defence of God’s laws.


Christian-Jewish dialogue; a patron saint of Europe; woman; Doctor of the Church; truth


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Published : 2023-10-04

PraśkiewiczS. (2023). Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross ) – a saint for our times. Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne, 55(1), 89-102. Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/ssht/article/view/15530

Szczepan T. Praśkiewicz 
Kolegium Relatorów Dykasterii Spraw Kanonizacyjnych, Watykan  Poland

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