
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

 Article acceptance/rejection criteria

In the event of positive evaluation given by both Reviewers, or one positive and one indicating the need to make changes, the Editorial Office makes a decision to send the text for publication on condition that the Author introduces the changes and amendments required by one of the Reviewers.

In the event of one negative review, the text may be referred for decisive re-evaluation by a third, independent reviewer.

In the case of empirical research, information regarding ethical and legal issues is requested (approved, for example, by the university's research ethics committee).

Author's declaration:

“Studia Etnologiczne i Antropologiczne” - editorial instruction

The journal calls for papers on an on-going basis, and for thematic issues - according to the schedule posted on: (Call for Papers).

Please include your affiliation, e-mail address and your telephone number with your submission. Please include also bibliography, abstract, key words.

Length of texts:

Dissertations sections should be between 12 and 17 pages of standardised print (footnotes included)

"Materials from the field" sections should be between 12 and 17 pages of standardised print (footnotes included)

Reports and reviews section - 8 pages of standardised print at most (footnotes included)

Submissions to „Studia Etnologiczne i Antropologiczne”:
Submission of a manuscript implies an approval for review of this manuscript.
Texts sent by the authors will be verified by the Editorial Committee as to their formal and material content
The basis for sending the manuscript to reviewer is it’s compatibility with journal's profile.
Manuscripts will be sent to one reviewer outside the academic institution that the author of the manuscript is affiliated in (to the reviewers that have been awarded at least the doctoral degree and have appropriate academic achievements).
The editorial office chooses a reviewer based on the subject of the submitted manuscript.
Editorial Committee sends the review forms binding at the publishers to the reviewer. The review should make a review of a manuscript. 
The reviewer’s comments will be send to the Author/Author’s of a manuscript without indicating the name of the reviewer.
With the time limit set by Editorial Committee, the Author should take into account the recommendations of the reviewer and correct the text.
The final decision of publishing/sending again for a review/rejection (in accordance with recommendations of the reviewer) a paper is made by the Editors-in-Chief.
The manuscript that will receive a positive reviews will be sent to editorial modification. After that, the Author will receive the final version of the manuscript to accept. 
The Author/authors is responsible for final version of the manuscript.
The journal is published in the paper version as well as in electronic format on the website.

The volume of the text for publication in the "Dissertations" or "Materials from the field" sections should be between 12 and 17 pages of standardised print, in the "Reports and reviews" section - 8 pages of standardised print at most. 

The text should be saved in a Word, LibreOffice Writer or OpenOffice Writer file, with the following parameters: A4 format, margins of 2.5 cm each, pages numbered at the bottom footer, 12-point Times New Roman font, spacing 1.5 lines. A new paragraph should be started with an indent (1 cm).

The given editorial guidelines apply to all accepted types of text. Transliteration of non-Latin characters is the responsibility of the Author.

Papers in English:

The required elements of the paper

Points 1e–1g do not apply to reports or reviews.

  1. Introductory information, placed on the first page of the paper, in the following order:
    a) author’s first name and surname
    b) full original name of the centre the author represents
    c) ORCID
    d) title of the paper
    e) abstract in English (maximum 700 characters, including spaces)
    f) key words (maximum 5 words)
    g) in the first footnote (marked with an asterisk*, with a reference after the article title): information on the sources of financing of the research presented in the paper (full name of the grant(s), statutory research, with precise names of institutions financing the research, time of conduct etc.)
  2. Main body of the text
  3. Bibliography
  4. Biographical entry (academic degree, place of work, area of scientific interest, major publications, e-mail address). Providing a biographical entry implies consent for its publication. The editorial staff reserves the right to make non-substantial changes in the biographical entry.


Short quotations are put between quotation marks and placed within the text of the  author’s  disquisition.

Long quotations (more than 40 words) are written as the so-called block quotations, i.e. without quotation marks, as separate paragraphs, in smaller font (11 points), with an extra space before and after the quotation.

In justified cases short quotations may be written as block quotations.

When giving short quotations from foreign language publications, in own translations, an appropriate note information must be included.

When putting special typeface in the quotation, an appropriate note information must be included.

An omission in a quotation is indicated by an ellipsis in square brackets: […]. A punctuation mark should be inserted before or after the brackets, according to the source.

Non-Latin characters

Cyrillic alphabets:

- bibliographic descriptions should use the alphabet of the given language; in addition, the name(s) beginning the bibliographic description should be given in transliteration:

[Belova O.W.] Белова О.В., 2001, Славянский бестиарий. Словарь названий и символики, Индрик, Мoсква.

– in references names must be given in transliteration only:

(Belova, 2001: 34)

- transliteration should be used in the author's text; where appropriate, the original text may be given at the same time;

– transliteration rules developed by the American Library Association and Library of Congress should be followed, c.f.

Other writing systems:

- both in biographical descriptions and in the author's text use transliterated text; where appropriate, the original text may be given at the same time;

– transliteration rules developed by the American Library Association and Library of Congress should be followed, c.f.

Biographical references - general guidelines

SEiA sources are indicated by means of in-text bibliographic cross-references, in the format: (author, year: page number). The basis for references is the bibliography.

References to a page or pages are given after the year of publication, after a colon:

(Święch, 2005: 46, 58–59)

Names of authors or editors of one publication are separated by a comma:

(Clifford, Marcus, 1986: 178)

References concerning particular authors are separated by a semicolon.  Publications are cited in chronological order. 

(Święch 2005, 2009a, 2009b; Pisarek et al., 2017)

If a name occurs in the text of the argument, only the year of publication and a reference to the page or pages are given in brackets:

…Jan Święch (2005: 33)…

"Ibidem", "ibid", "idem", "thereof" etc. are not used in references. 

Bibliography - general guidelines

The bibliography may include only items referred to in the paper.

The bibliographic description of a publication is prepared on the basis of a title page. Regardless of the language of the publication, the information following the title must be given in English, using appropriate abbreviations (e.g. "ed.", "eds.", "transl.", "vol.", "no.").

In the event of non-serial publications, provide information about the publisher.

If the publication does not specify the year of publication, place of publication or publisher, this should be indicated by using the Latin abbreviations, respectively: „s.a.”, „s.l.”, „s.n.”.

The numbering relating to volumes, parts, notebooks, journal issue, etc. are always written in Arabic numerals, regardless of the source notation.

In English-language titles (except for the titles of journals), words are capitalised only where required by spelling rules (e.g. at the beginning of sentences, in proper names):

Does meat come from animals? A multispecies approach to classification and belonging in Highland Guatemala

If a DOI has been assigned to the publication, it must be provided (in the form of a hyperlink, as the last element of the bibliographic description, ended with a full-stop).

Yates-Doerr E., 2015, Does meat come from animals? A multispecies approach to classification and belonging in Highland Guatemala, ”American Ethnologist”, vol. 42, no. 2, p. 309–323,

Bibliographic descriptions of publications by the same author are arranged chronologically.  If publications appeared in the same year, successive letters of the alphabet are added to the year of publication in alphabetical order:

Święch J., 2005, Tajemniczy świat wiatraków, Łódź, Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze.
Święch J., 2009a, Czy maszyny mają duszę? Rzecz o personifikacji młynów wietrznych, in: Problemy muzeów związane z zachowaniem i konserwacją zbiorów. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Konserwatorska, temat: Konserwacja zachowawcza i kreacja konserwatorska zabytków techniki, Szreniawa, 14–15 października 2008, Szreniawa, Muzeum Narodowe Rolnictwa i Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego, pp. 11–21.
Święch J., 2009b, Współczesne problemy kolekcjonerstwa w muzealnictwie etnograficznym, “Etnografia Nowa”, no. 1, pp. 45–52.

Basic models of references and bibliographic descriptions

Author’s book:

(Sulima, 2000: 158–159)

Sulima R., 2000, Antropologia codzienności, Kraków, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.

Edited by:

(Clifford, Marcus, 1986: 178–179)

Clifford J., Marcus G.E., eds., 1987, Writing culture: The poetics and politics of ethnography, California, University of California Press

A paper included in a book (specify the number of pages in the description in the bibliography):

(Blaxter, 1976: 121)

Blaxter M., 1976, Social class and health inequalities, in: C. Carter, J. Peel, eds., Equalities and inequalities in health, London, Academic Press, pp. 120–135.

A paper included in a journal (specify the number of pages in the description in the bibliography:)

(Robotycki, 2011: 41)

Robotycki C., 2011, Ludowe i amatorskie pisanie o historii, “Konteksty – Polska Sztuka Ludowa. Antropologia kultury – etnografia – sztuka”, no. 1 (292), pp. 40–44.

Text in a journal:

(Radziwinowicz, 2020)

Radziwinowicz W., 2020, Ormianie przegrali wojnę, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, 12 November.

A text published on a website (if the text has a date of publication, this should be given; it is mandatory to provide a hyperlink and the date of access):

(Bafia, 2018)

Bafia S., 2018, 17 March, Konne wyścigi góralskich kumoterek na liście niematerialnego dziedzictwa kultury, Polska Agencja Prasowa,,1333611,konne-wyscigi-goralskich-kumoterek-na-liscie-niematerialnego-dziedzictwa-kultury.html [access: 14.02.2021].

Diploma dissertation:

(Jawoszek, 2011: 33)

Jawoszek A., 2011, “Boszniacy. Literackie narracje tożsamościowe”, thesis, supervis. D. Gil, Wydział Filologiczny, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie.

Author/editor– special cases:

– more than three authors/editors:

(Pisarek M. et al., 2017: 388)

Pisarek M. et al., 2017, Żywność tradycyjna i regionalna jako motyw przewodni plenerowych imprez kulinarnych na Podkarpaciu, in: D. Orłowski, ed., Przestrzeń turystyki kulturowej, Warszawa, Wyższa Szkoła Turystyki i Języków Obcych, pp. 373–390.

- no information about the author/editor:

(Nowruz, 2013)

Nowruz, the Iranian New Year, 2013, PAAIA – Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans. [access: 22.04.2016].

Audiovisual materials:

(Śmierć jak kromka chleba, 1994)

Śmierć jak kromka chleba [film], 1994, dir. K. Kutz, Polska, Społeczny Komitet Realizacji Filmu Fabularnego o Tragedii w Kopalni „Wujek”, Studio Filmowe Tor, Telewizja Polska.

Legal act, document:

(Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 30 maja 2014 r.)

Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 30 maja 2014 r. zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego oraz kształcenia ogólnego w poszczególnych typach szkół. Dz.U. 2014, poz. 803.

Archival materials:

Bibliographic descriptions of archival materials should be separated and placed before the bibliography. 

If the document does not have pagination, the following information is given: s.p.


- first reference

(Archiwum Diecezjalne w Gdańsku [hereinafter: ADG], sygn. KM/78: 98)

(own archives[hereinafter: AW], R1: 3)

(Archiwum Polskiego Towarzystwa Ludoznawczego we Wrocławiu [hereinafter: APTLW], nr inw. 329: s.p.)

- another reference:

(ADG, sygn. KM/79: 54)

(AW, R24: 6)

(APTLW, nr inw. 329: s.p.)

- bibliographic descriptions:

Archiwum Diecezjalne w Gdańsku, księgi metrykalne:

- catalogue number: KM/78, śluby, Strzelno, 1885–1944, t. 12;

- catalogue number: KM/79, śluby, Strzelno, 1944–1960, t. 1.

Archiwum Instytutu Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, transkrypcje wywiadów z badań własnych, sygn. 13584–13587, 13589–13591, 13593, 13594.

Archiwum Polskiego Towarzystwa Ludoznawczego we Wrocławiu, nr inw. 329, I. Webersfeld-Chruścielowa, „Pies w wierzeniach ludowych”.

Author’s own archives, transcripts of interviews from own research:

– R 1, Iwan P., age 57 , Wierchowina (farmer);

– R 2, Maria P., age, 55, Wierchowina (housewife);

– R 35, Sasza, 50 age (watah, Kręta mountain pasture).

Illustrative material

Photographs, illustrations, diagrams, etc. should be inserted in an appropriate place in the article, with a caption, according to the model (if the source is a publication, etc., a full bibliographic description should be given; the item should also be written in the bibliography):  

Photo 1. Pashtuns’ camp, western Pakistan  (fot. J. Stolarski, July 2005)

Il. 1. Traditional costume of a married Pashtun woman

Source: K. Wolski, 1978, Pakistan. Dzieje ziemi i państwa, Warszawa, Książka i Wiedza, p. 57.

Chart 1.  Respondents’ native tongue

Source: Own study.

Also any other information required by the owner of copyright or related rights in the material must be included.

Photographs, illustrations etc. should be submitted as separate files, in the format: .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png or .tif. The files should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (at a scale of 1:1, i.e. if the photo is to be enlarged for the purpose of publication, the resolution should be appropriately greater).

Charts should be submitted as separate files, in a format, for example, docx, .xls, .xlsx. A file should be editable (must contain metadata).


The authors are responsible for obtaining and submitting to the SEiA Editorial Office permission to publish the illustrative materials covered by by the provisions of the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act (c.f. the paper's author's statement:; the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act:

Submitting a text for printing means permission for printing without receiving a royalty. 

The editorial staff reserves the right to a final decision to qualify the text for printing. 

Papers in languages other than English

The required elements of the paper

Paper in Polish:

Points 1f-1i, 3 do not apply to reports or reviews.

  1. Introductory information, placed on the first page of the paper, in the following order:
    a) author’s first name and surname
    b) full name of the centre the author represents
    c) ORCID
    d) title of the paper
    e) optionally: title of the paper translated into English
    f) abstract in Polish or English (maximum 700 characters, including spaces)
    g) optionally: key words translated in English
    h) key words in Polish (maximum 5 words)
    i) in the first footnote (marked with an asterisk*, with a reference after the article title): information on the sources of financing of the research presented in the paper (full name of the grant(s), statutory research, with precise names of institutions financing the research, time of conduct etc.)
  2. Main body of the text
  3. Bibliography
  4. Biographical entry in Polish and possibly ? in English (academic degree, place of work, area of scientific interest, major publications, e-mail address). Providing a biographical entry implies permission to its publication. The editorial staff reserves a right to make non-content related changes in the biographical entry.

Papers in languages other than Polish and English

Points 1f-1i, 3 do not apply to reports or reviews.

  1. Introductory information, placed on the first page of the paper, in the following order:
    a) author’s first name and surname
    b) full original name of the centre the author represents
    c) ORCID
    d) title of the paper
    e) title of the paper translated into English
    f) abstract in English (maximum 700 characters, including spaces)
    g) key words translated in English
    h) key words in the language of the Paper (maximum 5 words)
    i) in the first footnote (marked with an asterisk*, with a reference after the article title): information on the sources of financing of the research presented in the paper (full name of the grant(s), statutory research, with precise names of institutions financing the research, time of conduct etc.)
  2. Main body of the text
  3. Bibliography
  4. Biographical entry in the language of the paper and in English (academic degree, place of work, area of scientific interest, major publications, e-mail address). Providing a biographical entry implies permission to its publication. The editorial staff reserves a right to make non-content related changes in the biographical entry.


Short quotations are put between quotation marks and placed within the text of the  author’s  disquisition.

Long quotations (more than 40 words) are written as the so-called block quotations, i.e. without quotation marks, as separate paragraphs, in smaller font (11 points), with an extra space before and after the quotation. 

In justified cases short quotations may be written as block quotations.

When giving short quotations from foreign language publications, in own translations, relevant information must be included.

When putting special typeface in the quotation, an appropriate note information must be included.

An omission in a quotation is indicated by an ellipsis in square brackets: […]. A punctuation mark should be inserted before or after the brackets, according to the source.

Non-Latin characters

Papers in Polish:

Cyrillic alphabets:

- bibliographic descriptions should use the alphabet of the given language; in addition, the name(s) beginning the bibliographic description should be given in transcription:

[Bełowa O.W.] Белова О.В., 2001, Славянский бестиарий. Словарь названий и символики, Индрик, Мoсква.

– in references names must be given in transcription only:

(Bełowa, 2001: 34)

- Transcription should be used in the author's text; where appropriate, the original text may be given at the same time;

– applicable are the transcription rules in the PWN dictionary of Polish spelling, available at:;629693.html.

Other writing systems:

- both in biographical descriptions and in the author's text use transliterated text; where appropriate, the original text may be given at the same time;

– transliteration tables concerning Greek and Hebrew alphabets are available at the website of NUKAT:

Papers in languages other than Polish and English

Cyrillic alphabets:

- bibliographic descriptions should use the alphabet of the given language; in addition, the name(s) beginning the bibliographic description should be given in transcription or transliteration, depending on the adopted rule, e.g.:

[Belova O.W.] Белова О.В., 2001, Славянский бестиарий. Словарь названий и символики, Индрик, Мoсква.

– in referencesnames must be given only in transcription or transliteration:

(Belova, 2001: 34)

- use transcription or transliteration in the author's text, depending on the adopted rule; where appropriate, the original text may be given at the same time;

– applicable are transcription or transliteration  rules appropriate for the language of the article.

Other writing systems:

- both in biographical descriptions and in the author's text use transliterated text; where appropriate, the original text may be given at the same time;

– applicable are transliteration  rules appropriate for the language of the article.

Biographical references - general guidelines

SEiA sources are indicated by means of in-text bibliographic cross-references, in the format: (author, year: page number). The basis for references is the bibliography.

References to a page or pages are given after the year of publication, after a colon:

(Święch, 2005: 46, 58–59)

Names of authors or editors of one publication are separated by a comma:

(Clifford, Marcus, 1986: 178)

References concerning particular authors are separated by a semicolon. Publications are cited in chronological order.

(Święch 2005, 2009a, 2009b; Pisarek et al., 2017)

If a name occurs in the text of the argument, only the year of publication and a reference to the page or pages are given in brackets:

…Jan Święch (2005: 33)…

"Ibidem", "ibid", "idem", "thereof" etc. are not used in references .

Bibliography - general guidelines

The bibliography may include only items referred to in the study.

The bibliographic description of a publication is prepared on the basis of a title page. Information included in the publication are given in the language of the original (e.g. ”ed.”, ”eds.”, “Hrsg.”, ”vol.”, ”Teil”, ”Bd.”, “no.”, ”Nr.”).

In English-language titles (except for the titles of journals), words are capitalised only where required by spelling rules (e.g. at the beginning of sentences, in proper names):

Does meat come from animals? A multispecies approach to classification and belonging in Highland Guatemala

Particular elements of the description are separated with comas:

Sulima R., 2000, Antropologia codzienności, Kraków, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.

Non-serial publications - provide information about the publisher.

Work edited by - names of the editors are given as the first element of the description;

Clifford J., Marcus G.E., eds., 1987, Writing culture. The poetics and politics of ethnography, California, University of California Press.

Non-autonomous publication (e.g. an article in a joint publication, journal) - the pages where the given publication is included should be specified  at the end. 

A text published on a website– if the text has a date of publication, this should be given; it is mandatory to provide a hyperlink and the date of access.

If the publication does not specify the year of publication, place of publication or publisher, this should be indicated by using the Latin abbreviations, respectively: „s.a.”, „s.l.”, „s.n.”.

If a DOI has been assigned to the publication, it must be provided (in the form of a hyperlink, as the last element of the bibliographic description, ended with a full-stop).

Yates-Doerr E., 2015, Does meat come from animals? A multispecies approach to classification and belonging in Highland Guatemala, ”American Ethnologist”, vol. 42, no. 2, p. 309–323,

The numbering relating to volumes, parts, notebooks, journal issues, etc. are always written in Arabic numerals, regardless of the source notation.

Bibliographic descriptions of publications by the same author are arranged chronologically. If publications appeared in the same year, successive letters of the alphabet are added to the year of publication in alphabetical order:

Święch J., 2005, Tajemniczy
Święch J., 2009a, Czy maszyny
Święch J., 2009b, Współczesne

Within the remaining scope, follow the rules of preparing bibliographic description relevant for the language of the article.

Illustrative material

Photographs, illustrations, charts, etc. should be placed in an appropriate place in the article and provided with a caption.

In the case of non-proprietary material, the caption should provide information about the author.  Place the source under the caption.  If the publication is a source etc., a full bibliographic description should be provided (the item should also be written in the bibliography). Also any other information required by the owner of copyright or related rights in the material must be included.

Photographs, illustrations etc. should be submitted as separate files, in the format: .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png or .tif. The files should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (at a scale of 1:1, i.e. if the photo is to be enlarged for the purpose of publication, the resolution should be appropriately greater).

Charts should be submitted as separate files, in a format, for example, docx, .xls, .xlsx. A file should be editable (must contain metadata).


The authors are responsible for obtaining and submitting to the SEiA Editorial Office permission to publish the illustrative materials covered by the provisions of the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act (c.f. the paper's author's statement:; the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act:

Submitting a text for printing means permission for printing without receiving a royalty.

The editorial staff reserves the right to a final decision to qualify the text for printing.

Editorial instruction (download)