Expansion of the Ludic Character in Contemporary Culture


The process of the carnivalization of urban space is aided by contemporary media, which, in popularizing myriad events, amplifies community activities ranging from festivals to mass public shows connected with historical events. Contemporary fascination with such phenomena finds its sources in ritualized models of paratheatrical activity rooted in the traditions of peasant culture, as well as in forms of mass folk protest. As a result, we can observe the rapidly-developing ability of citydwellers to occupy public space while creating emotional communities that extend into virtual, and other, realms, with the aim of realizing political goals.


folklorism; historical re-enactments; street performance; carnival of resistance

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Published : 2020-12-21

Hajduk-NijakowskaJ. (2020). Expansion of the Ludic Character in Contemporary Culture. Studia Etnologiczne I Antropologiczne, 20, SEIA.2020.20.05 s. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.31261/SEIA.2020.20.05

Janina Hajduk-Nijakowska 
University of Opole  Poland

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