Media Web 2.0 and education “towards the media”


Bogdan Zeler’s aim in this article is to indicate the most important issues that should be addressed within the framework of contemporary media education. As his point of departure, Zeler has chosen the reflections of the American media expert and communication theoretician Paul Levinson on the phenomenon of the new new media and the communication shifts caused by them and necessitating significant changes in all areas of human activity. Zeler draws attention to the role of the experience acquired when performing the new activities and during the immersion in the online world. He also draws attention to the special place assigned in this process to young people, whose way of seeing the world becomes dominant both through and in the internet. Zeler refers to the insights of researchers concerning the user of the new new media, the characteristics of Man 2.0 and of Democracy 2.0. After Tadeusz Miczka, Zeler regards education “towards the media” as the most essential task of contemporary education, its aim being the shaping of optimal (appropriate) communication behaviors related to the responsible use of new new media.


new new media; cypherpunks; Man 2.0; Democracy 2.0; infotainment; education “towards the media”

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Published : 2021-06-29

ZelerB. (2021). Media Web 2.0 and education “towards the media”. Studia Etnologiczne I Antropologiczne, 21(1), 1-9.

Bogdan Zeler 
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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