Polowanie jako spektakl i metafora: rola scen myśliwskich w filmach fabularnych
Alicja Helman
The author discusses hunting scenes in film representing a variety of genres not for their iconography, but rather for their metaphorical impact. Filmmakers use hunting as a metaphor to speak about completely different issues. They explore political topics, expose their ideological and ethical aspects, focus on instances of customary behaviour. Alicja Helman points out the link between hunting and death. According to her, people who are capable to kill animals are also capable to kill people – not only at war, but for other reasons as well. The article focuses mainly on the works which became models for later films belonging to the traditions of ethno-fiction, western, horror, and psychological drama.
Helman, A. (2018). Polowanie jako spektakl i metafora: rola scen myśliwskich w filmach fabularnych. Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies, (4), 271–292. Pobrano z https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/ZOOPHILOLOGICA/article/view/7493
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