Professional and academic publications (published in either Slovak language or Czech language)
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Vaňek M.: Nedalo se tady dýchat. 1st edn. Prague: Maxdorf, 1996.
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Legally binding and non-legally binding documents and legislation (published in either Slovak language or Czech language)
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Act no. 312/1948 Coll., on the Organization of State Forests and Estates.
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Act no. 1/1955 Coll., on State Nature Protection.
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Act no. 11/1955 Coll., on Water Management.
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Act no. 43/1955 Coll., on Czechoslovak Spas and Springs.
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Act no. 84/1958 Coll., on Territorial Planning.
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Act no. 48/1959 Coll., on the Protection of Agricultural Land Fund.
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Act no. 35/1967 Coll., on Measures Against Air Pollution.
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Act no. 138/1973 Coll., the Water Act.
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Act no. 124/1976 Coll., on the Protection of the Agricultural Fund.
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Act no. 61/1977 Coll., on Forests.
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Act no. 128/1991 Coll., on the State Environmental Fund of the Slovak Republic.
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Act no. 238/1991 Coll., on Waste.
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Act no. 309/1991 Coll., on Air Protection Against Pollutants (Air Protection Act).
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Act no. 494/1991 Coll., on State Administration in Waste Management.
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Act no. 17/1992 Coll., on Environment, as amended.
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Act no. 307/1992 Coll., on Protection of Agricultural Land Fund.
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Act no. 311/1992 Coll., on Charges for Air Pollution.
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Act no. 460/1992 Coll., Constitution of the Slovak Republic, as amended.
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Internet sources
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The National Council of the Slovak Republic voted to ratify the above mentioned convention. (See: Slovakia becomes fourth EU country to ratify the Paris Agreement, 2016. [online], [access: 30.03.2024]).
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