Opublikowane: 2020-09-01

Raczyński w Portugalii. Spuścizna „zderzenia kultur”

Ewa Łukaszyk Logo ORCID
Dział: Szkice polsko-portugalskie


The article presents Atanazy Raczyński’s research on Portuguese art against the modernization and Europeanisation processes in Portugal in the 19th century. A specific view of Portuguese artistic heritage and openly expressed critical opinions of the Polish scholar made him a controversial figure, which paradoxically contributed to the importance and resonance of his work. Discouraged by the conflict, Raczyński did not complete his final synthesis. Nevertheless his letters to the Art Society in Berlin, as well as a dictionary of the artists, initiated history of art (regarded as a scientific discipline) in Portugal.

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Łukaszyk, E. (2020). Raczyński w Portugalii. Spuścizna „zderzenia kultur”. Postscriptum Polonistyczne, 21(1), 27–43. https://doi.org/10.31261/PS_P.2018.21.02

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Tom 21 Nr 1 (2018)
Opublikowane: 2020-09-03

ISSN: 1898-1593
eISSN: 2353-9844
Ikona DOI 10.31261/PS_P

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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