A review article entitled “Memory and… Care” is an in-depth discussion of the book by Sławomir Jacek Żurek Odpamiętywanie polsko-żydowskie. Szkice – Studia – Interpretacje [The Polish-Jewish de-remembering: Essays – Studies – Interpretations] published in 2021 by The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The said publicaton by the Lublin-based scholar contains a multi-layered reception of the most recent findings in the field of memory studies, which at the same time purports to utilise them in the process of reading particular literary texts dealing with Polish-Jewish relations. Żurek directs his interpretative endeavour among others at: the poetic dialogue between Franciszka Arnsztajnowa and Józef Czechowicz, the ouevre of Arnold Słucki, the particular vision of Poland sustained in texts by Jewish émigré poets, and at the contemporary literary narratives regarding the Shoah, which oftentimes enter into popocultural dialogue with traditional Jewish topoi. The author’s main claim seems to be that more than 30 years of working through memory within the framework of historical, cultural and literary analyses, has not only hepled to restore correct proportions of the Polish Jews’ contribution to the Polish culture, but most of all to verify the stereotypes pertaining to the Jews’ relationships with non-Jews. The publication has been commended by scholars focused on studies of Polish-Jewish relations and the memory of the Holocaust, while the present review article is a critical discussion of theses put forward by Żurek.
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Vol. 30 No. 2 (2022)
Published: 2023-03-01