Architecture and urban planning as demonstration of power in the Polish People’s Republic


The article aims at presenting diverse architecture and urban planning projects which serve as examples of power demonstration. It is hardly a new phonomenon, since renditions of the personality cult in architecture dates back to antiquity. However, in this article the point of focus remains Poland, in particular the period of the Polish People’s Republic. What was selected for the analysis was the projects which symbolised the then manner of exercising power over the state. Therefore, the rebuilding of socialist Warsaw is mentioned, along with the Millennium Schools (Polish tysiąclatki), civil construction during the term of Edward Gierek, including the famous “Gierkówka” motorway, and some investments of lesser importance realized by lower ranking politicians.


power; architecture; urban planning; PRL (the Polish People’s Republic); city

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Published : 2022-12-13

KędzierskiM. (2022). Architecture and urban planning as demonstration of power in the Polish People’s Republic. Studia Etnologiczne I Antropologiczne, 22(2), 1-11.

Maciej Kędzierski 
Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie (współpraca)  Poland

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