Archiwalny numer

Vol. 22 No. 2 (2022)

Published: 2023-10-19

Studia Etnologiczne i Antropologiczne, vol. 22 (2)

In this edition, we refer to Jan Kubik's famous book "The Power of Symbols Against the Symbols of Power. "The Rise of Solidarity and the Fall of State Socialism in Poland" (1994), in which political power was shown as the art of using symbols or reproducing national discourses. We want to treat Kubik's perspective - in these troubled times - as a pretext to discuss the role of symbols in gaining, manifesting and questioning power both in time and space. We especially encourage you to submit articles on the relationship between power and clothing, food, religion, violence, political staging and cultural heritage.

Number of Publications: 6
Cały numer (Język Polski) Spis treści (Język Polski) Contents Dla Autorów PL/EN (Język Polski) Metryczka (Język Polski)


Dress as a tool for propagating the bourgeois habitus: an analysis of Barbara Hoff’s articles in the weekly “Przekrój”

Olga Załęska
Language: PL | Published: 28-12-2022 | Abstract | pp. 1-16

Architecture and urban planning as demonstration of power in the Polish People’s Republic

Maciej Kędzierski
Language: PL | Published: 13-12-2022 | Abstract | pp. 1-11

Language as an ethno-identification sign of the German minority in the upper Nitra in the context of historical and social changes

Silvia Letavajová , Michal Kurpaš
Language: EN | Published: 19-12-2022 | Abstract | pp. 1-21

Exhumation in the tradition of the Betsileo tribe in Madagascar in relation to the funerary practices of Southeast Asia

Józef Niesyto
Language: PL | Published: 07-09-2022 | Abstract | pp. 1-27

Traditional sports games – as a promotion and a chance to preserve national identity through ludic forms of physical activity

Małgorzata Bronikowska
Language: PL | Published: 28-08-2022 | Abstract | pp. 1-13

Principles and perspectives of the ethnogeographical method in Polish ethnology

Rafał Miśta
Language: PL | Published: 29-09-2022 | Abstract | pp. 1-28

Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023)
Published: 2024-09-27

ISSN: 1506-5790
eISSN: 2353-9860
Logo DOI 10.31261/SEIA

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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