Traditional sports games – as a promotion and a chance to preserve national identity through ludic forms of physical activity


This article shows an important sphere of social life, i.e. Physical Culture, regarding its elements: play, games, and sports as intangible global and at the same time regional heritage of every corner of the world. Through this work, the author wants to emphasise the crucial role of traditional games and sports in the globalised world, also showing UNESCO and TAFISA’s huge initiatives and endeavours they undertake to revitalise and prevent old sports from being forgotten. They are devoted and very involved in building a better climate for the promotion of various traditional physical activities in the context of cultural diversity. The author also wants to stress in this article that there are few groups of people around the globe who really care about the intangible kind of heritage hidden in traditional forms of sports and games. The further intention of this work is to awaken the awareness of other researchers and people for whom the local heritage is fundamental for a better future in a unified world.


intangible cultural heritage; globalisation; games; sport; TAFISA World Sport for All Games

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Published : 2022-08-28

BronikowskaM. (2022). Traditional sports games – as a promotion and a chance to preserve national identity through ludic forms of physical activity. Studia Etnologiczne I Antropologiczne, 22(2), 1-13.

Małgorzata Bronikowska 
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Eugeniusza Piaseckiego w Poznaniu  Poland

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