They came in the name of religion. The Islamic State in the perception of the inhabitants of Northern Iraq


This article reconstructs the perception of the Islamic State by the inhabitants of Northern Iraq, who in the years 2014–2016 lived under the rule of this quasi-state. This is a descriptive case study based on field research in Northern Iraq. It analyzes the perception of the peculiar, fundamentalist state-building process.
The main findings point out that the population of Northern Iraq initially perceived IS as a legitimate organization, mostly due to their religious credentials. Over time, under the IS rule, this perception changed into a negative one. The article identifies the main challenges of the administrative apparatus and the survival strategies of the inhabitants of Northern Iraq under the rule of a fundamentalist quasi-state.


Państwo Islamskie; Irak; badania terenowe; fundamentalizm

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Published : 2022-03-10

Fyderek Łukasz. (2022). They came in the name of religion. The Islamic State in the perception of the inhabitants of Northern Iraq. Studia Etnologiczne I Antropologiczne, 22(1), 1-18.

Łukasz Fyderek
Jagiellonian University  Poland

dr hab. Łukasz Fyderek, politolog, analityk spraw międzynarodowych, adiunkt w Instytucie Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu na Wydziale Spraw Międzynarodowych i Politycznych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Autor i współautor artykułów i monografii poświęconych problematyce polityki i gospodarki na Bliskim Wschodzie oraz zagadnień międzynarodowych.

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