About understatements and overinterpretations, that is the culinary heritage of Silesia in the context of the document Lista produktów tradycyjnych [List of traditional products]


The issue in question is the culinary heritage of Silesia, represented in the List of traditional products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (created in 2004). Basing on the example of wodzionka and other soups made of water and bread, the authors bring emphasis to some important issues associated with the description of selected traditional foods and kitchen products that lead to understatements and overinterpretations. The article proposes also a new definition of traditional dish, which takes into account two elements of a recipe (fixed and variable).


culinary heritage; Silesia; List of traditional products; traditional dish; recipe; wodzionka

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Published : 2018-07-18

PrzymuszałaL., & Świtała-TrybekD. (2018). About understatements and overinterpretations, that is the culinary heritage of Silesia in the context of the document Lista produktów tradycyjnych [List of traditional products]. Studia Etnologiczne I Antropologiczne, 18(18), 125-144. https://doi.org/10.31261/SEIA.2018.18.08

Lidia Przymuszała 
Instytut Polonistyki i Kulturoznawstwa Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Opolski  Poland

Dorota Świtała-Trybek 
Instytut Polonistyki i Kulturoznawstwa Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Opolski  Poland

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