Counteract failure to act of voivodeship sejmik concerning recognition installation as regional installation for disposal of municipal wastes or installation for substitute service


The paper considers the question of legal means which may be taken by an entrepreneur who inefficiently applies for recognition an installation he conducts as regional installation for disposal of municipal wastes or installation for substitute service. The latter installations are indicated in resolution of voivodeship sejmik (regional assembly) on execution of voivodeship waste management plan in order to receive municipal wastes produced within a region of waste management, established in the plan. In a result the entrepreneur can lodge a complaint to the administrative court, either against the resolution which omits his installation or against the failure to act by the voivodeship sejmik. Unfortunately neither of these complaints seems to be a satisfactory mean of protection of rights of the entrepreneur, first of all because of the fact that the court is not entitled to oblige the sejmik to issue the resolution fulfilling entrepreneur’s expectations


Complaint against failure to act

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Published : 2017-07-21

RadeckiG. (2017). Counteract failure to act of voivodeship sejmik concerning recognition installation as regional installation for disposal of municipal wastes or installation for substitute service. Prawne Problemy Górnictwa I Ochrony Środowiska, (1), 91-109. Retrieved from

Gabriel Radecki 

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