Syntax in the stories by children with the fetal alcohol syndrome


When a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, the child may end up having physical, mental, cognitive, and social problems. The most dangerous among these problems is known as the fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). An important indicator of the level of functioning of people with FAS is provided by the syntactic system, the structure of utterances being an exponent of sentence-forming skills. This article presents the results of a study of the syntactic skills of FAS children. An analysis
of the utterances of six- and ten-year-olds suffering from FAS has shown differences in the scope of the application of syntactic formulas and rules in comparison to their peers from control groups. The reduced level of syntactic competence in children with FAS is indicated by the limited number of syntactic constructions used to make a story, the low average sentence length, the more frequent use of single rather than compound utterances, and the low variation in syntactic constructions in texts produced by FAS children.


fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS); syntax; syntactic competence; language and communication difficulties; syntactic disorders

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Published : 2021-06-29

KrakowiakM. (2021). Syntax in the stories by children with the fetal alcohol syndrome. Logopedia Silesiana, 10(1), 1-57.

Marta Krakowiak 
University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce  Poland

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