■ The volume of the text submitted as an article should be – after taking into account the editorial requirements – about 10–16 pages (minimum 20,000 characters, maximum 40,000 characters, including spaces).

■ Elements of the publication and their order:

1) information about the author: name, affiliation (in the case of a university: department, institute or other subunit, faculty, university), ORCID;

2) title of the publication;

3) as a footnote to the title of the publication: information on the source of funding for the research on which the publication is based (or information that the research was carried out as part of own work);

4) title of the publication in English (does not apply to texts written in English);

5) abstract in English (up to 1000 characters, including spaces);

6) keywords in English;

7) abstract in Polish (up to 1000 characters, including spaces); if the publication is written in a language other than Polish, the title in Polish should be placed before the abstract;

8) keywords in Polish;

9) introduction (the introduction shall not bear the title);

10) main part of the article divided into chapters;

11) conclusion;

12) references;

13) scientific dossier in the language of publication (up to 850 characters, including spaces) and e-mail address.

■ Word processor: Word, LibreOffice Writer.

■ Page setup:

– format: A4;

– margins: każdy po 2,5 cm.

■ Main text:

– Times New Roman font, 12 pt;

– justified, indent 1 cm;

– line spacing 1.5.

■ Chapters: if the article is divided into chapters, there must be at least two; this number does not include the introduction (which is not titled at all) or the conclusion.

■ References: according to APA rules, see further.

■ Quotes:

– short (up to 40 words): within the author's text, in quotation marks;

– long (more than 40 words): as so-called block quotations, i.e.: without quotation marks, as separate paragraphs, in smaller font (11 points), with one-line spacing before and after the quotation;

– omissions in the quotation are indicated by an ellipsis in square brackets: [...],

without forgetting to put a punctuation mark before or after the brackets, according to the source, e.g:

weekly plan [...], as well as monthly

above all, communication. [...] In the initial period

was not found [...]. Researchers

■ Names appearing in the publication:

– first appearance: provide first name and last name (first name should always be given, for subsequent appearances initials may be given);

– second occurrence and subsequent occurrences: state surname only (no first name, no initials).

■ Tabeles:

– tables should be numbered separately (Arabic numbers) and titled according to the pattern:

Tabel 1. Table title

– the number and title should be placed above the table;

– the main text of the publication should include a reference to each table, e.g.:

…(Tabel 1)…

… is presented in Table 1.

– table content – Times New Roman font, 11 pt;

– the table must not contain empty fields;

– under the table you should put information about the source (in case of publications you should give full bibliographic description), e.g.:

Source: Own elaboration.

Source: Own compilation based on: Bokus, B. (1991). Creating stories by children. On the line and field of narration. Kielce: Energeia Publishers, p. 77.

Source: Dryżałowska, G. (2007). Language development of a child with hearing impairment and educational integration. A model of inclusive education. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, p. 145.

■ Charts:

– charts should be numbered separately (Arabic numbers), following the pattern:

Chart 1. Chart title

– the number and title (caption) should be placed under the chart;

– in the main text of the publication, a reference to each graph should be included, e.g.:

…(Chart 1)…

… is presented in Chart 1.

– source information should be included under the caption; for examples see the section “Tables”;

– charts should be additionally submitted in separate files (e.g.: .docx, .xlsx, .xls), please make sure that the files are editable (they must contain metadata).

■ Illustrations (photographs, diagrams, drawings, reproductions of artwork, etc.):

– illustrations should be numbered separately (Arabic numbers), according to the formula:

Illustration 1. Illustration title

– number and title (caption) should be placed under the illustration;

– the main text of the publication should contain a reference to each illustration, e.g.:

…(Illustration 1)…

… shown in Illustration 1.

– source information should be included under the caption, for examples see the section “Tables” and:

Source: Author’s archive.

Source: Photo Name Surname.

– illustrations should additionally be submitted in separate files (e.g.: .jpg, .tiff, .png, .pdf), the file should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (with a scale of 1 : 1, i.e. if, for publication purposes, the image is to be enlarged, the resolution should be appropriately higher).

■ Copyright. The authors are responsible for obtaining and transmitting to the Editorial Board of “Logopedia Silesiana” (when submitting the text) the appropriate permissions for publication in the journal “Logopedia SIlesiana”, under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, of reprints as well as tables, graphs and illustrations included in the study, covered by the copyrights. The LS Editorial Board accepts consents confirmed by e-mail.





The in-text citations and the references should be prepared according to the rules established by the American Psychological Association (APA).

This section provides detailed APA guidelines for English and Polish texts. In the case of texts in other languages, APA rules should be applied according to the way they are used in publications in a given language.

APA rules in English-language publications are described on the APA Style page, in the section: Style and Grammar Guidelines (see).


In-text citations

■ The basis for cross-referencing is the bibliography.

■ Basic cross-reference format: (author, year, page number).

■ Page references are given after the year of publication, after the abbreviation “s.” (in English-language texts, after the abbreviation “p.” if referring to a single page, or “pp.” if referring to a range of pages):  

(Domagała, 2015, s. 46, 58–59)

■ It is obligatory to provide page numbers. The rule may be waived only in justified cases (e.g. by indicating the literature on the subject).  

■ Odwołania dotyczące poszczególnych autorów oddziela się średnikiem. Publikacje porządkuje się w kolejności alfabetycznej, w obrębie tego samego autora – w kolejności chronologicznej:

(Adriaans, Swingley, 2017, s. 76; Boksa, 2014, s. 189, 2016a, s. 24–25, 2016b, s. 275; Domagała, 2015, s. 59)

■ References such as “ibidem”, “ibid”, “idem”, “tegoż” are not used.



■ Bibliografia może zawierać wyłącznie pozycje przywołane w opracowaniu.

■ The overarching criterion for serialization is alphabetical.

■ Descriptions of publications by the same author are listed chronologically; if they appeared in the same year, they are listed alphabetically, with another letter of the alphabet added to the year of publication. If an author also appears as a co-author, such items are placed after single-author books:

Boksa, E. (2014). Trudności w komunikowaniu się dzieci i młodzieży z mózgowym porażeniem dziecięcym w opinii specjalistów. W: A. Hamerlińska-Latecka, M. Karwowska (red.), Interdyscyplinarność w logopedii (s. 188–207). Gliwice: Komlogo.

Boksa, E. (2016a). Dysfagia z perspektywy zaburzeń komunikacji językowej u dzieci i młodzieży z niepełnosprawnościami sprzężonymi. Kraków: Libron.

Boksa, E. (2016b). Ślinotok i zaburzenia komunikacji u pacjentów cierpiących na dysfagię. Studia Pragmalingwistyczne, 8, 271–282.

Boksa, E., Chmielewska, K., (2016). Znaczenie zabawek zwierzęcych w rozwijaniu kompetencji komunikacyjnej na tle teorii rozwojowych Winnicotta, Holliday’a i Kozieleckiego. W: E. Bator, B. Gierszewska, K. Kępczyk (red.), Koziołek Matołek i inne bajkowe zwierzęta w tekstach literatury i kultury (s. 26–35). Pacanów: Europejskie Centrum Bajki, Kielce: Instytut Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego.

■ The bibliographic description is prepared on the basis of the title page of the publication.

■ The names of authors, editors, translators, etc. are written in capitals. In order to enter capital letters, just select (highlight) the name and then press the key combination: Shift + Ctrl + K.

■ For double names, put a hyphen between them without spaces:

Good: Kowalska-Nowak

Bad: Kowalska – Nowak, Kowalska–Nowak, Kowalska – Nowak

■ No space between initials of first names.

■ Titles – italics vs straight writing:

– title of a book or magazine: italics;

– title of chapter in a book, article in a journal, etc.: in simple type.

■ Titles – uppercase vs lowercase:

– title of a book, article et al. (also in English);

– capital letters only in the first word of the title, subtitle and words where the spelling rule requires capital letters (e.g. proper names);

– journal title – capital letters in each word (except for conjunctions, etc.).

■ In Polish-language publications, bibliographic information that is included in the publication is given in the original language (e.g. „red.”, „ed.”, „eds.”, „Hrsg.”, „t.”, „vol.”, „Teil”, „Bd.”, „nr”, „no.”, „Nr.”, „tłum.”, „transl.”, „übers.”). In English-language publications, the appropriate English terms are used regardless of the original notation (i.e. instead of „red.”, „Hrsg.” etc. is written „ed.” or „eds.”, instead of „t.”, „Teil”, „Bd.” – „vol.” itd.).

■ Numbering referring to volumes, parts, notebooks, journal numbers, etc. is always written in Arabic numerals, regardless of the source record.

■ The volume and number of the journal are given after the title of the journal, the volume is written in italics, the number is written in simple brackets without a space before the brackets:

Przegląd Logopedyczny, 23(4)…

■ In the case of book publications, provide information on the publisher.

■ If a publication does not specify the year of publication, place of publication, or publisher, it should be indicated by using the Latin abbreviations, respectively: „s.a.”, „s.l.”, „s.n.”.

■ When writing to indicate a range, such as a page range, use a hyphen (a semi-pause) without the lights (using a so-called short dash, i.e. a hyphen, in this function is an error):

Good: 25–35

Bad: 25-35, 25 - 35, 25 – 35

■ If a DOI has been assigned to the publication, it should be given, in the form of a hyperlink (as the last element of the bibliographic description, after the period and without the final period):

Pham, B., McLeod, S. (2019). Vietnamese-speaking children’s acquisition of consonants, semivowels, vowels, and tones in Northern Viet Nam. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR, 62(8), pp. 2645–2670. https://doi.org/10.1044/2019_JSLHR-S-17-0405


Basics types of in-text citations and references

■ Book

Bokus, B. (1991). Tworzenie opowiadań przez dzieci. O liniii polu narracji. Kielce: Energeia.

■ Edited book

Młynarska, M., Smereka, T. (red.). (2007). Afazja i autyzm. Zaburzenia mowy oraz myślenia. Wrocław: Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.

IN-TEXT CITATION: (Młynarska, Smereka, 2007)

■ Text in a book

Kamińska, B. (2007). Kilka uwag o wymowie dziennikarzy radiowych. W: M. Młynarska, T. Smereka (red.), Afazja i autyzm. Zaburzenia mowy oraz myślenia (s. 335–341). Wrocław: Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe.

■ Text in a multi-volume publication

Sediva-Mączka, K. (2018). Torowanie ruchu artykulacyjnego. W: M. Błasiak-Tytuła, A. Siudak (red.), Neurologopedia. T. 1: Neurobiologiczne podstawy wczesnej terapii zaburzeń rozwojowych (s. 127–134). Kraków: WiR.

IN-TEXT CITATION: (Sediva-Mączka, 2018, s. 129)

■ Text in a publication by the same author

Simmel, G. (2006). Socjalizm i pesymizm. W: Idem, Most i drzwi. Wybór esejów (s. 76–85). Kraków: Oficyna Naukowa.

■ Text in a print journal

Dereń, E. (2005). Opis a opowiadanie: typowe słownictwo szkolnych form wypowiedzi. Nauczyciel i Szkoła, 3–4(28–29), 145−159.

■ Text in an electronic journal without DOI

Bula, D. (2014). O potrzebie postawy twórczej nauczyciela. Z Teorii i Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego, 23, 53–66. https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/.

■ Text in an electronic journal with DOI

Ciszewska-Psujek, U. (2018). Zaburzenia językowe w przebiegu choroby alkoholowej. Obraz i dynamika. Logopedia Silesiana, 7, 56–80. https://doi.org/10.31261/LOGOPEDIASILESIANA.2018.07.04

■ Text published on the website

Jaworski, P. (2013, 3 sierpnia). Dezynfekcja i sterylizacja pomocy logopedycznych. https://logopeda.org.pl/publikacja.php?id=69 [data dostępu: 4.10.2020].

■ Text published on website, without author

Historia PTL (2008, 2 lipca). https://www.logopedia.umcs.lublin.pl/index.php/ptl/historia-ptl [data dostępu: 4.10.2020].

IN-TEXT CITATION: (Historia PTL, 2008).

■ No author, no editor

Przedsięwzięcia międzynarodowe Katedry Socjologii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. (1993). Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.

IN-TEXT CITATION: (Przedsięwzięcia międzynarodowe, 1993, s. 56)

■ No place

Moczydłowska, A. (2007). Patomorfologia kliniczna. (s.l.): Wydawnictwa Medyczne.

■ No publisher

Paniek, S. (2013). Trudności językowe dzieci przedszkolnych. Kraków: (s.n.).

■ Without year of publication

Siwek, A. (s.a.). Czynniki społeczno-ekonomiczne w rozwoju dziecka. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Pedagogiczne.

IN-TEXT CITATION: (Siwek, s.a., s. 45)

■ With the author of the translation

Chomsky, N. (1982). Zagadnienia teorii składni. Tłum. I. Jakubczak. Wrocław: Ossolineum.

IN-TEXT CITATION: (Chomsky, 1982, s. 34)

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022)
Published: 2023-04-07

ISSN: 2300-5246
eISSN: 2391-4297

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

Licence CC

Licencja CC BY-SA

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