The BID procedure as a tool for assessing phonological processes in bilingual children


This article presents the BID (briefing, interaction, debriefing) procedure as a useful tool for speech therapists who face the problem of correct diagnosis of language subsystems and abilities in bilingual children. An example of the BID’s application is the assessment of phonological processes in children representing Ukrainian-Polish bilingualism. Using the BID procedure, it was possible to conduct a bilingual diagnosis and to extract developmental processes, interference, and atypical processes from the collected data. This article also highlights the cooperation of a speech therapist with an interpreter, i.e. a neophilologist of the Ukrainian language, who makes it possible to interpret the collected bilingual linguistic data.


bilingualism; BID; phonological processes; diagnosis; interpreter

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Published : 2021-12-31

MłyńskiR. (2021). The BID procedure as a tool for assessing phonological processes in bilingual children. Logopedia Silesiana, 10(2), 1-26.

Rafał Młyński 
Jagiellonian University  Poland

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