Performance of a picture description by ten-year-olds with fetal alcohol syndrome
Alcohol consumption by a woman during pregnancy may result in a number of developmental disorders in her offspring, known as (fetal alcohol syndrome – FAS). They relate to, among others, acquisition of language and communication competence problems, manifested, among others, by incorrect articulation, deficits in inflection and syntax, and irregularities in creating narrative forms of expression. The subject of this paper is describing of a picture by ten-year-olds with fetal alcohol syndrome and their peers from a control group. Findings indicate that children with FAS have difficulty using the following procedures: generalization of events, spatiality of description, presentability of events, and characterization of elements of reality. These people, while creating descriptions of pictures, usually do not use formulas that allow to begin a statement and present the content of the described events, introduce individual space plans in a disorderly manner, do not use the right wording, omit many important details related to the characteristics of individual elements of reality and the relationships that occur between them. The abnormalities mentioned above are related to the poverty of content and the abnormal structure of texts constructed by ten-year-olds with FAS.
fetal alcohol syndrome; FAS; language and communication competence; narrative skills,; picture description; language and communication difficulties
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Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce Poland
Marta Krakowiak, dr n. hum., absolwentka filologii polskiej i logopedii Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, adiunkt na Uniwersytecie Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznym w Siedlcach, nauczycielka dyplomowana języka polskiego i logopeda pracująca w szkołach podstawowych w Radzyniu Podlaskim. Pracę doktorską poświęciła problematyce opóźnienia rozwoju mowy u dzieci z alkoholowym zespołem płodowym (Zakład Logopedii i Językoznawstwa Stosowanego UMCS). Zainteresowania naukowe skupia wokół zagadnień związanych z zaburzeniami komunikacji językowej.

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