Characteristics of speech development in people with Down’s syndrome


Down’s syndrome is one of the most common and easily detected genetic disorders. People with Down’s syndrome are characterised by multisystemic structural and functional irregularities (incl. congenital disease and heart defects, disorders of hearing and vision) appearing in life as well as a characteristic phenotype. Its phenotype characteristics include delayed psychomotor development. Children with this syndrome demonstrate a particular profile in the acquisition of communicative abilities. The level of development of communicative competence reached by children with DS is peculiar, different from that of other neuro-developmental disorders, and various in relation to the level reached by children at a similar level of cognitive functioning, but whose cognitive problems have a different etiology. This article attempts to characterise the factors determining the basis of speech development in this group and to indicate the characteristic features of communication among people with Down’s syndrome.


Down’s syndrome; trisomy 21; development of communicative abilities

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Published : 2023-01-10

Kaczorowska-BrayK. (2023). Characteristics of speech development in people with Down’s syndrome. Logopedia Silesiana, 11(2), 1-28.

Katarzyna Kaczorowska-Bray
University of Gdansk  Poland

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