Published: 2012-01-01

Wczesna stymulacja dzieci z podejrzeniem atypowego rozwoju mózgu. Studium przypadku

Olga Przybyla


The early stimulation of children suspected of atypical brain development. Case study The article presents and emphasises any early actions and planned activities taken to support the development of children who are in the early stages of development visible symptoms of atypical brain development (ABD). The methods and forms of early therapeutic intervention and its impact on children’s development are discussed on the selected case studies. It should be pointed out that the need for multidisciplinary diagnosis of children and then the consequences of the lack of specialised holistic therapy, which should be implemented are also indicated in the article. What is more, the article presents a proposal for “Therapeutic work program for children with ABD”, containing physical development, visual perception and spatial orientation, speech and thinking development and improvement of reading skills. The above-mentioned program is a good example of supporting the early development of children from infancy period till a primary school period.

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Przybyla, O. (2012). Wczesna stymulacja dzieci z podejrzeniem atypowego rozwoju mózgu. Studium przypadku. Logopedia Silesiana, (2). Retrieved from

No. 2 (2013)

ISSN: 2300-5246
eISSN: 2391-4297

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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