Głos w pracy pedagoga. Znaczenie, problemy i profilaktyka oraz propozycja ćwiczeń logopedycznych


Voice in Teacher’s Work. Significance, Issues, Prophylaxis and Proposal of Speech Therapy Exercises
Care for the vocal apparatus and ability to use it are prerequisites for maintaining its good condition for a long time. The article discusses issues related to the correct voice emission in the educator’s work and draws attention to the threats the voice is exposed to in this profession. The importance of preventive measures to avoid voice‑related problems and diseases among teachers has been demonstrated and logopaedic exercises have been proposed to allow this group of professionals to keep their voices and articulation apparatuses in good condition.
Key words: voice emission, voice hygiene, voice diseases, teacher, educator, speech therapy

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Published : 2017-12-20

SytaA. (2017). Głos w pracy pedagoga. Znaczenie, problemy i profilaktyka oraz propozycja ćwiczeń logopedycznych. Logopedia Silesiana, (6), 269-279. Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/LOGOPEDIASILESIANA/article/view/7316

Aneta Syta  aneta.syta@wp.pl
Zakład Logopedii i Emisji Głosu, Uniwersytet Warszawski 

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