Opublikowane: 2001-10-01

Ku archeontologii martwego ciała (kontemplacyjne podejście do przeszłości)

Ewa Domańska

Website: http://ewadomanska.pl/


Ewa Domańska

Towards an Archeontology of the Dead body (A Contemplative Approach to the Past)

Ewa Domaiiska distinguishes a distinct contemplative approach to the past which — unlike doc­umentary, commemorative or 'oral evidence' approaches — undertakes, among other things, reflec­tion on various aspects of the dead body's existence and functioning. She traces the facets of 'end-ism' in historical reflection, which is increasingly skeptical of the prospects of historiography characterised by anthropocentrism, ethnocentrism, eurocentrism and phallocentrism. Thus many scholars think that present-day historiography should first of all study historians — their motivations, sponsors and backgrounds. Those who want the Third Millennium to be a new beginning for histo­riography postulate that scholars should give more thought to death, the deceased and their corpses. Domaflska's claim is that in future-oriented human sciences questions concerning the past cannot be answered until we refer to ontology, to those thinkers who — like Martin Heidegger — study exist­ence, death and the issue of being.

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Zasady cytowania

Domańska, E. (2001). Ku archeontologii martwego ciała (kontemplacyjne podejście do przeszłości). Er(r)go. Teoria - Literatura - Kultura, (3). Pobrano z https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/ERRGO/article/view/2086

ER(R)GO nr 3 (2/2001)

Nr 3 (2001)

ISSN: 1508-6305
eISSN: 2544-3186
Ikona DOI 10.31261/errgo

University of Silesia Press | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego i Wydawnictwo Naukowe "Śląsk"

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