Storytelling superstructure in the utterances of hearing impaired people


Storytelling, the most common form of shaping both linguistic and cultural texts, is the most frequently repeated pattern in interpersonal communication. The article dwells on the characteristics of this narrative expression, paying particular attention to its specific structure. Further on, the author provides a short description on how the narrative competence has been developing. The article includes the author’s own research designed and performed to elicit challenges hearingimpaired people face when creating a written narrative text (story) based on a picture story, and to find an answer to the question on whether, in the mind of a hearing-impaired person, the storytelling structure exists. Finally, the author deduces that it seems reasonable, on the basis of the collected material, to assume that the integrated education as well as speech therapy of hearing-impaired people should include exercises shaping the ability to create stories as mastering this skill is connected with the level of linguistic and communicative competence.


storytelling superstructure; hearing-impaired people; narrative competence

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Published : 2020-12-29

Dzięcioł-ChlibiukE. (2020). Storytelling superstructure in the utterances of hearing impaired people. Logopedia Silesiana, (9), 1-35.

Ewa Dzięcioł-Chlibiuk 
University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce  Poland

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