Motivation and motivating in speech therapy: practical implications


The article presents a description of selected theories of motivation and theoretical models related to it, as well as psychological and social factors influencing the motivation to act (its initiation and sustainment), with particular emphasis on motivation and factors influencing the effectiveness of speech therapy. External factors (form and type of interventions within the therapy), internal factors (psychological and intellectual resources) and mediating factors (gender, age and place of residence) are described. An analysis of the results of various research in this area has been conducted. Particular attention has been paid to strategies for stimulating intrinsic motivation. The concept of motivational dialogue (MD) is also described, including brief interventions and a MET session protocol that can be used to increase patients’ motivation for therapy.


motivation; intrinsic motivation; behaviour change; effectiveness; motivational dialogue; speech therapy

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Published : 2024-11-27

GuzyA. (2024). Motivation and motivating in speech therapy: practical implications. Logopedia Silesiana, 1-36.

Anna Guzy
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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