Published: 2014-01-01

Aspekty diagnozy i terapii zaburzeń połykania w schorzeniach pozapiramidowych na przykładzie choroby Parkinsona

Tatiana Lewicka


Aspects the diagnosis and the therapy of swallowing in extrapyramidal illnesses on the example of Parkinson disease In the article aspects of diagnosis and therapy of swallowing disorders in extrapyramidal illnesses on the example of Parkinson disease were presented. Parkinson disease belongs to neurodegenerative illnesses of the central nervous system. Its most characteristic manifestation is the socalled Parkinsonian triad i.e. muscular rigidity, slow down motions and passive tremor. Neurogenic dysphagia appears very offen in the Parkinson disease. That is why the specific opinion on swallowing makes up the basis to the introduction of rehabilitation methods conditioning improvement and reconstruction of correct function of swallowing. This article presents instrumental and noninstrumental methods of evaluating patients with Parkinson disease and dysphagia as well as therapy methods of swallowing disorders.

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Lewicka, T. (2014). Aspekty diagnozy i terapii zaburzeń połykania w schorzeniach pozapiramidowych na przykładzie choroby Parkinsona. Logopedia Silesiana, (3). Retrieved from

No. 3 (2014)

ISSN: 2300-5246
eISSN: 2391-4297

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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