Published: 2016-12-22

Anatomia funkcjonalna ośrodkowego układu nerwowego, cz. 2

Anna Walawska‑Hrycek , Ewa Krzystanek


The subcortical structures form the middle part of the central nervous system. They create systems which are some kind of basis for performing intentional tasks with the cooperation of the cortical centers. So the extrapyramidal system provides the fluid motion by the unconscious influence on the muscle tone distribution. However, the cooperation with the pyramidal system and the cerebellum is necessary for the performance of intentional tasks. The limbic system is formed by the grey matter structures which are engaged in the control of memory and learning processes. The major transmission station for the sensory information creates the thalamus which is connected with the extrapyramidal and limbic system. The organism adaptation to the changeable external conditions is provided by the hypothalamus involving many chemoreceptors of grey matter nuclei. It supplies internal balance and the equilibrium of body fluids, making use of the antagonism of the centers located there.
Key words: extrapyramidal system, basal ganglia, diencephalon, autonomous system, limbic system

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Walawska‑Hrycek, A., & Krzystanek, E. (2016). Anatomia funkcjonalna ośrodkowego układu nerwowego, cz. 2. Logopedia Silesiana, (5), 73–88. Retrieved from

No. 5 (2016)

ISSN: 2300-5246
eISSN: 2391-4297

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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