Zespół dezintegracyjny w diagnozie i terapii logopedycznej


Speech disorders, presented in terms of theoretical models in speech-therapy literature, may manifest themselves in clinical practice as diverse spectra of symptoms, far removed from model descriptions. In many cases, the speech therapist detects coupled difficulties resulting from overlapping pathomechanisms. The high degree of complicacy of symptoms usually stems from disorders in the course of complicated illness complexes of the developmental age. To draw conclusions on the neurobiological mechanisms of speaking difficulties in the context of the still developing brain and other organic systems is a very difficult task. The article presents the specificity of childhood disintegrative disorders, which are classified as part of the spectrum of autistic disorders. With regard to the clinical picture and dynamism of symptoms, disintegrative disorders are distinguished from other comprehensive developmental disorders and require separate speech-therapy procedures. Using the case study of a 21-year-old patient, the diagnostic-therapeutic management of this disorder has been presented.
Key words: comprehensive developmental disorders, autistic spectrum, Heller’s syndrome, disintegrative psychosis, developmental dementia, frontotemporal dementia, akinetic mutism

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Published : 2016-12-22

PanasiukJ. (2016). Zespół dezintegracyjny w diagnozie i terapii logopedycznej. Logopedia Silesiana, (5), 167-198. Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/LOGOPEDIASILESIANA/article/view/7273

Jolanta Panasiuk  jolanta.panasiuk@poczta.umcs.lublin.pl
Zakład Logopedii i Językoznawstwa Stosowanego, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie 

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