Opóźniony rozwój mowy i jego wpływ na rozwój dziecka. Studium przypadku chłopca z ryzykiem dysleksji


Nowadays the importance of wellbeing and preventing diseases is widely recognized. People living fast paced lives are bombarded with visual stimuli, such as TV, Internet, social media, image advertisements or even emoticons on mobile phones. This is not without effect on traditional verbal communication. People spend less and less time talking to their children, which is crucial in developing communication skills; instead, they tend to spend more time watching TV or browsing the Internet. This is detrimental to the children, especially in the phrase of their language development; neglecting it can potentially create some serious problems. This article presents a case study of a boy diagnosed with the delayed speech development and potential risk of dyslexia disorder. The first part shows the standards of speech development and some disorders. The second part concerns the process of diagnosing the boy, and the third part indicates a direction for his therapy.
Key words: speech development, dyslexia, delayed speech development, speech disorder therapy

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Published : 2016-12-20

MichalczykA. (2016). Opóźniony rozwój mowy i jego wpływ na rozwój dziecka. Studium przypadku chłopca z ryzykiem dysleksji. Logopedia Silesiana, (5), 337-356. Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/LOGOPEDIASILESIANA/article/view/7284

Anna Michalczyk  anna.michalczyk@up.krakow.pl
Instytut Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie 

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