The Unbearable Fragility of Being: Literature of Young Poland in the Light of Maladies of Body and Spirit

Aleksandra Mikinka


The end of the nineteenth century was marked by a strangely affirming attitude to disabilities, diseases, and bodily deformities. From the Romantics, the artists of the Young Poland movement inherited a fascination with tuberculosis amounting to the mythologization of the sick; tuberculosis, or the “white plague,” was one of the favourite themes of the modernist studies of human disability and mortality. The turn of the century was also a time of extensive research into mental diseases. The naturalists, for that matter, equipped the great prose writers of the Belle Epoque with the medical conceptual apparatus and developed a sophisticated language of “clinical literature.” This article, focusing on several literary works representative of the Young Poland movement, strives to explain how, at the turn of the century, the experience of illness influenced
the texts of culture and, vice versa, how literature shaped the understanding of illness.


Young Poland; literary discourse of disease; naturalism; grotesque; tuberculosis

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Published : 2023-06-29

MikinkaA. (2023). The Unbearable Fragility of Being: Literature of Young Poland in the Light of Maladies of Body and Spirit. Er(r)go. Theory - Literature - Culture, (46), 97-112.

Aleksandra Mikinka
University of Lodz  Poland

Aleksandra Mikinka, Ph. D. Born 24 January 1989 in Radomsko, Poland. Employed as an assistant professor since 2018 at the Department of Literature of Positivism and Young Poland at the University of Lodz. Dr. Mikinka's academic interests include reconstructing the biographies of 19th-century writers, the influence of Eastern religion and philosophy (especially Hinduism) on Young Poland's period, women's literature, 19th-century children's literature, searching for the archetype of the Great Goddess (Magna Mater) in literature and art.

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