Humour Processing. The Factors that Play a Role in Understanding Humour

Sandra Levey
Joseph Agius


This article addresses the skills involved in processing humour. Both adults and children enjoy puns, jokes, and riddles and employ humour in interaction with friends. Factors that contribute to understanding humour involve cognition, the ability to identify a speaker’s intent to convey humour, and the desire to engage in social interaction. Humour can be found in all countries across the globe, though cultural and linguistic differences may influence what listeners consider humorous. Moreover, some listeners have difficulty processing or understanding humour. The article also outlines studies investigating humour understanding and appreciation in relation to autistic spectrum disorders.

Słowa kluczowe

humour processing; development of humour

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Opublikowane : 2019-12-19

LeveyS., & AgiusJ. (2019). Humour Processing. The Factors that Play a Role in Understanding Humour. Forum Lingwistyczne, 6(6), 159-167.

Sandra Levey
City University of New York Lehman College  Stany Zjednoczone
Joseph Agius 
University of Malta; Speech Language Centre, Malta  Malta

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