„Przegląd Rusycystyczny” (“Russian Studies Review”) is as a quarterly journal published under the auspices of the Polskie Towarzystwo Rusycystyczne (Polish Association of Russian Studies) and has been in circulation since 1976. The journal publishes studies, treatises, discussions, reviews and reports in the area of Russian Studies.
Submissions are accepted in Polish, Russian and English languages.
The journal’s main areas of our interest include literary studies, linguistics and the methodology of teaching Russian literature and language. It also pays attention to widely understood Russian Studies.
Our journal was lately accepted by SCOPUS, and from January 1, 2020 is indexed in this database.
The journal is aimed at specialists, scholars and students of Russian Studies and has been indexed in the European Research Index in Humanities. It is recognized as category B journal in the Polish government listings, which entitles authors to claim 20 points in academic reports for publishing in “Przegląd Rusycystyczny”.
By submitting texts to our quarterly, authors give permission to the Editorial Board to make them available in electronic form as well as to publish their affiliations and e-mail addresses (both are placed in the summary header of every article and review).
The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit and abbreviate the received materials.
An outstanding group of expert scholars from Polish and foreign academic centers support and act as reviewers for the quarterly in order to ensure its continuing high standard.
Языковой образ Владимира Жириновского в русскоязычных печатных СМИ и интернет-изданиях
Bułhakow zmanipulowany, czyli o „fachowym i wybitnym” przekładzie "Mistrza i Małgorzaty"
Игра слов в романе Виктора Пелевина «S.N.U.F.F.» и его польском переводе
No. 4 (188) (2024)
Published: 2024-12-19