Wound as an Openness to the World. About the Question of Woundedness in the Poetry of Małgorzata Lebda

Natalia Zając


This article explores Małgorzata Lebda’s poetry (Sprawy ziemi, Mer de Glace) with a focus on representations of the body and physicality. The experience of illness, death, and woundedness, all stigmatized in the poems, becomes a starting point for analysis and interpretation. The paper also addresses three major aspects of these poems: the child’s initiation into the world through acquiring the wound, the carnal human-animal communion, and grief after the death of one’s mother. Sensitivity to woundedness becomes the foundation of care in Lebda’s poetry.


wound; body; child; animal; mother; tenderness; Lebda; poetry

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Published : 2023-06-29

ZającN. (2023). Wound as an Openness to the World. About the Question of Woundedness in the Poetry of Małgorzata Lebda. Er(r)go. Theory - Literature - Culture, (46), 207-228. https://doi.org/10.31261/errgo.13402

Natalia Zając  talcz.zajac.332@gmail.com
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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