Punktacja MEiN:


ISSN: 2449-9587 (Print) ISSN: 2450-2758 (Online) DOI: 10.31261/FL

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“Forum Lingwistyczne” is a semi-annual journal publishing empirical and theoretical research concerning all language and linguistic phenomena. The journal constitutes a platform for presenting findings of various linguistic subdisciplines – synchronic and diachronic – irrespective of their methodological provenance. We are particularly interested in publishing works presenting the latest linguistic research projects: results and reports of studies which constitute a significant contribution to the development of linguistics. We publish papers in Polish, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Italian. The subjects of individual issues of our journal are announced in the “Call for papers” tab. All texts undergo a double-blind review process compliant with COPE ethical guidelines.

Submissions are published in the following sections:
- Studies:  this section is devoted to academic papers which present authors’ individual perspectives upon language or linguistic problems, analyses of aspects of language or culture conducted from the linguistic point of view, syntheses of achievements in various subdisciplines of linguistics.
- Polemics: this is a place for critical discussions of the latest or less recent yet significant linguistic works.
- Varia:  texts published in this section relate to important themes of contemporary linguistics: recollections of important figures and schools of linguistics; introductions of new projects and trends in linguistic university didactics; presentations of new tools of linguistic analysis. The articles placed in Varia may reach beyond the scope of a given thematic issue.

“Forum Lingwistyczne” is a journal available in the Open Access Gold formula. The journal does not charge any publishing fees from the authors.

“Forum Lingwistyczne” is indexed in numerous international databases, including ERIH PLUSDOAJ, EBSCOCEEOL (the full list may be found in the Indexation tab). The journal is also indexed in the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) list of academic journals (40 points).


  • MLA International Bibliography
  • BazHum
  • CEJSH - The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • CEEOL - Central and Eastern European Online Library
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  • IC Journals Master List
  • PBN
  • Linguistic Bibliography Online
  • iSybislaw
  • WorldCat
  • Naviga
  • Arianta


ICV 2023 = 89.51